Meg Snipes, Zumba, Aqua Zumba, Zumba Toning and Zumba Step instructor

Margherita (Meg) Snipes

Meg Snipes, Zumba, Aqua Zumba, Zumba Toning and Zumba Step instructor of 14 years.

Formerly professional ballet dancer, Meg’s background in dance starts in Italy (her homI
country) when she was 8 years old training in ballet, jazz, and hip-hop for over a decade.
Her journey with Zumba Fitness started in 2009 in Pensacola, FL where she was the first
instructor to bring this awesome latin-inspired program to Pace and Milton, FL area. She was
also featured in the local news since her classes quickly became very popular.

Meg’s passion is helping the community staying healthy and active. She loves being a part of
people’s life through fitness and dance. She was a presenting instructor for ConnectMed,
Wounded Warrior Program, Party in Pink and other charity fundraising events as well as
planning masterclasses with other instructors.